Revising Pevsner: A new look at Surrey's Churches

Coinciding with publication of the new Pevsner Architectural Guide to Surrey Charles O'Brien is series editor of the world famous Pevsner Architectural Guides at Yale University Press. 
He will talk about Surrey’s church architecture, as documented by Sir Nikolaus Pevsner and Ian Nairn in the original volume for the county, published in 1962. This is the first revision of the guide in fifty years and Charles will review the scholarship of Surrey's churches since then and changing opinions on the merits of recent changes. BOOK ONLINE now at Wednesday 23 November 2022, 7pm-8.15pm
St John's Centre, St John the Evangelist Church, 222 Epsom Road, Merrow, Guildford GU4 7AA
LIVE in person and on Zoom The Zoom link will be shared with the online audience before the meeting 
Tickets £12 per person £6 for SCPT members Group discounts available on request - please email 
A talk like this doesn't happen very often - don't miss it!
All proceeds from the talk will go to the Surrey Churches Preservation Trust, a registered charity run 100% by volunteers, to give out as church conservation grants to churches of all Christian denominations across Surrey. Join us as a volunteer or trustee: 


SAH thanks The Richard H. Driehaus Foundation
for its operating support.
Society of Architectural Historians
1365 N. Astor Street
Chicago, Illinois 60610