Virtual 2023 20–22 September

Welcome to Virtual 2023

View the program here


Join the Society of Architectural Historians, September 20–22, for the virtual component of its 76th Annual International Conference. Virtual 2023 offers an exciting and immersive virtual experience that features a diverse range of sessions, discussions, and networking opportunities. Prepare to be inspired and engaged as you learn alongside a vibrant community of individuals from around the world.


Virtual 2023 is open to both members and non-members alike. No matter your background, career stage, or level of expertise, you are welcome to join us and learn, be inspired, and expand your network. Embrace the opportunity to connect with individuals from various fields, backgrounds, and geographies.


All presentations will be live. Unable to join us live? Enjoy on-demand access to video recordings for 30 days after the conference. 


Program Overview

Paper Sessions

Delve into new research in the field in our thought-provoking paper sessions. Renowned scholars and experts from around the globe will present their latest research, providing a unique opportunity to stay informed of the ever-evolving landscape of knowledge on the history of the built environment.



Engage in lively conversations and foster collaborative exchanges in our roundtable discussions. Connect with experts in the field as you share your perspectives and gain valuable insights on topics relevant to your work.


Social Hours

Grab your favorite beverage and join us for our daily social hours. Network with fellow attendees, make new friends, and strengthen existing connections in an informal setting. Gather in the main room to connect with attendees or head to a breakout room for one-on-ones or to continue discussions from the day’s sessions.


Coffee Chats

Kickstart each day with our delightful coffee chats. Engage in casual conversation with fellow attendees. Share ideas, seek advice, and meet new people.


Conference Details

For information on the Montréal conference that took place April 12–16, please visit Past Conferences.

Carla Yanni
SAH First Vice President
Rutgers University

Mohammad Gharipour
SAH Second Vice President
University of Maryland

Christina Contandriopoulos
Université du Québec à Montréal

Olivier Vallerand
Université de Montréal

Christopher Kirbabas
Director of Programs

Carla Yanni
SAH First Vice President (Chair)
Rutgers University

Mohammad Gharipour
SAH Second Vice President (Associate Chair)
University of Maryland

Esther Choi
Cooper Union

Mark Hinchman
University of Nebraska–Lincoln

Adnan Z. Morshed
The Catholic University of America

The following dates apply to both the Montréal and Virtual conferences.

January 31, 2022
Call for Sessions closes at 5 pm CST

April 19, 2022
Call for Papers opens at 3 pm CDT

June 7, 2022
Call for Papers closes at 11:59 pm CDT

June 23, 2022
Call for SAH IDEAS Sessions opens

July 10, 2022
Call for SAH IDEAS Sessions closes at 11:59 pm CDT

August 25, 2022
Call for SAH IDEAS Papers opens

September 25, 2022
Call for SAH IDEAS Papers closes at 11:59 pm CDT

February 3, 2023
Call for Roundtables closes at 11:59 pm CST

January 10, 2023
Early Registration opens for Montréal at 3:00 pm CST

March 1, 2023
Early Registration closes for Montréal

June 27, 2023
Registration opens for Virtual 2023

September 19, 2023
Registration closes for Virtual 2023

CCA logo

Continuing Education Provider logo

The Society of Architectural Historians is an AIA Continuing Education Provider. All events that qualify for AIA CES learning units (LU) are noted in the program. Each paper session (not individual papers) attended in its entirety qualifies for AIA CES 2.25 LU. SAH will report your attendance and record your earned learning units. Note your participation on the AIA CES form provided below.

Download the AIA CES Form


SAH thanks The Richard H. Driehaus Foundation
for its operating support.
Society of Architectural Historians
1365 N. Astor Street
Chicago, Illinois 60610