We are very glad to have you join at the "Domestic Worldmaking by the Enslaved" virtual symposium on Saturday, February 19th, 2022 from 10am - 3.45pm EST. Advanced zoom registration for the event is required via the following link: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_mU-b1ocQRFeQO8Gk7Kp5nA.
The ambition for the virtual symposium is to stimulate through four story-telling typologies, a collective reflection and integration of diverse work related to the agency and innovations within the domestic practices of individuals enslaved during the Transatlantic Slave Trade. From their materials and building traditions, their gardens to their culinary inventions, we aim to bring to life for new audiences, and in new ways, the still underexplored material ecology that the enslaved continuously innovated to rebuild their lives in new environments.
This work is supported by a Global Connections Fellowship from the Global Architectural History and Teaching Collaborative (link). We also are developing an open-source interactive virtual platform that will be activated during this event. Please do see attached the schedule for the virtual symposium.
We look forward to seeing you on the 19th of February!
Warm regards from the organizing team,
Mohamed Aly Etman, Yale University
Geri Augusto, Brown University
Simon Benjamin, Hunter College
Mae-ling Lokko, Yale University
Marie-Louise Richards, Royal Institute of Art, Stockholm