Humanities Initiatives Grant Opportunity

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College faculty & staff are encouraged to apply for a Humanities Initiatives grant to strengthen the teaching and study of the humanities at their institution of higher education by developing new humanities programs, resources (including those in digital format), or courses, or by enhancing existing ones. 

Projects can last from 1-3 years, and can request up to $150,000 total. NEH welcomes applications for projects that are modest in scope, duration, and budget, as well as applications for expansive, long-term projects. Get feedback from NEH staff by submitting an optional draft by 3/28/2022, and submit your final application by 5/9/2022.

Projects must be organized around a core topic or set of themes drawn from such areas of study in the humanities as history, philosophy, religion, literature, and composition and writing skills. This program supports a wide range of activities, from curriculum and faculty development, to student enrichment, partnerships, and more. 

Learn more about this grant program at: