Architectural Studies Now: Architectural History in Architectural Studies

The focus of the third SAH Architectural Studies Affiliate Group conversation will be the role(s) of architectural history in Architectural Studies programs. We aim to understand how architectural history is envisioned and taught in different kinds of programs, ranging from those in small liberal arts colleges to those in large universities.

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Architectural Studies Now: Architectural History in Architectural Studies
Tuesday, March 1, 2022, via Zoom, 11 am – 12:30 pm, Central Time

The focus of the third SAH Architectural Studies Affiliate Group conversation will be the role(s) of architectural history in Architectural Studies programs. We aim to understand how architectural history is envisioned and taught in different kinds of programs, ranging from those in small liberal arts colleges to those in large universities. Following on from the affiliate group’s second conversation, we will discuss the relationship between studio and history, as well as the particular burdens and opportunities history courses carry within programs, for example, in delivering increasingly global perspectives or unmasking systemic inequalities. While our conversation will have a transatlantic inflection, we look forward to learning from colleagues worldwide about how they teach and use architectural history, as well as how Architectural Studies programs may help sustain and nurture the discipline of architectural history. Have recent pressures on the humanities influenced our teaching of architectural history within Architectural Studies programs?  In addition to architectural history and studio, how does the teaching of architectural research practice and theory feature in and across our programs?  How might architectural history equip our students in different ways for a range of fields, careers and later study? How is this reflected in what / how we teach in Architectural Studies?  What constraints and freedoms are we afforded in Architectural Studies programs to experiment in our architectural history pedagogy and curriculum?  How does our differing status in larger institutions—architectural or otherwise—influence our teaching?

Session organizers:
Kathryn O’Rourke, Trinity University, 
Sophie Read, University College, London,

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Many thanks to the College of Architecture and Environmental Design at Kent State University for hosting this Zoom meeting.