Extension of Abstract Submission Deadline for ConCave Ph.D. Symposium 2024

United States

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 In consideration of numerous requests and the heightened interest shown in the ConCave Ph.D. Symposium 2024, we are excited to announce an extension for the abstract submission deadline for the ConCave Ph.D. Symposium 2024. The new deadline is now set for September 15th, 2023.

This provides an excellent opportunity for those who might have missed the initial deadline or need a little more time to polish their abstracts. We encourage all potential contributors to make the most of this extension and submit their best work. For more information, visit ConCave’s website.


Why Submit to ConCave?

Publication Opportunity: Accepted papers will be published in a peer-reviewed publication, available in both printed and digital format. All published works will be assigned an ISBN and DOI number, enhancing the visibility and credibility of your research.

Network and Collaborate: Connect with peers and experts in the field and receive invaluable feedback.

Showcase Your Research: Present your research to ConCave community worldwide.

Expand Your Horizons: Attend sessions, keynotes, and workshops to deepen your knowledge and insights. 

Spread the Word!

Help us make this year's symposium more vibrant and diverse. Share this announcement with colleagues, fellow Ph.D. candidates, and on social media. Here are our social media accounts to follow:

Instagram: @concage.gt

Twitter: @gt_concave

Thank you for your continued enthusiasm and commitment. We look forward to your contributions.


The Organizing Committee

ConCave Ph.D. Symposium 2024