Institute for Citizens & Scholars Faculty and Dissertation Fellowships for 2024

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The Institute for Citizens & Scholars, formerly the Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation, has opened its 2024 competition for several fellowships that support either dissertation completion or junior faculty progress toward tenure. Please share this email with colleagues you think would be good candidates for these opportunities.
Recipients not only receive support for their work, but also join a more than 75-year-old network of some 27,000 Fellows—a select group with an impressive collective record of scholarship, teaching, service, and public influence. Fellows find that these fellowships also give them opportunities to connect across fields with others who have similar interests and serve as a hallmark of promise widely recognized in their disciplines.

Thank you for your consideration; we look forward to hearing from any excellent candidates you might help us to identify. 
Fellowships for doctoral candidates completing dissertations
The Charlotte W. Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation Fellowships 

Newcombe Fellows are late-stage Ph.D. students studying how ethical and religious values shape society, including political decisions, public life, culture, history, literature, and other areas. Eligible proposals have religious or ethical values as a central concern, and come from fields within the humanities and social sciences. Ph.D. candidates who will be in the final year of dissertation writing during the 2024-2025 academic year may apply. This award is funded by the Charlotte W. Newcombe Foundation.

Award: $31,000
Deadline: November 15, 2023

Fellowships for junior faculty
The Career Enhancement Fellowships
The Career Enhancement Fellowships support faculty pre-midterm review who are outstanding tenure-track junior faculty committed to campus diversity and innovative research in the humanities and humanistic social sciences. Through the program, Fellows build a diverse academic community and system of support as they pursue careers as university faculty and administrators. This award is funded by the Mellon Foundation.

Award: $35,000
Deadline: October 20, 2023

The Mellon Emerging Faculty Leaders Award
The MEFL Awards tenure-track junior faculty post-midterm review whose research focuses on contemporary American history, politics, culture, and society and who are building inclusive campus communities through their teaching, scholarship, and service. This award is funded by the Mellon Foundation.

Award: $20,000
Deadline: December 1, 2023

Fellowships for Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellows

The MMUF Advancement Program, Adjunct Faculty Fellowships
The Adjunct Faculty Fellowship provides each Fellow with a six month period during which to focus on the research and scholarship necessary to secure a tenure-track position. Up to two fellowships are awarded each year. This award is funded by the Mellon Foundation.

Award: up to $10,000
Deadline: November 3, 2023

The MMUF Advancement Program, Dissertation
The MMUF Dissertation Grants are available to graduate students who participated in the Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellowship Program. The awards provide graduate students at the critical juncture of completing their graduate degrees with support to spend a year finishing the writing of the dissertation. This award is funded by the Mellon Foundation.

Award: up to $30,000
Deadline: December 1, 2023