SAH member meetups are virtual progams intended to help members connect with one another and explore a variety of topics. Meetups are free and open to current members. Past meetups have provided advice on publishing in JSAH, writing for SAH Archipedia, and crafting a strong session proposal. Other meetups have connected members who are emerging scholars, adjunct and contingent faculty, or employed outside of academia. Please share your ideas for future meetups by emailing  Anne Bird.

Upcoming Meetups

Graduate Student Meetup Hosted by Charlette Caldwell

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Graduate student members are invited to attend a meetup with SAH Graduate Student Advisory Committee (GSAC) Chair and Board Member Charlette Caldwell. Build community with fellow student members and learn about GSAC initiatives, including a survey on graduate student financial precarity. Bring your questions about graduate student programming and participation in the annual conference. Share your suggestions for future events, your ideas for networking more effectively at the annual conference, and your thoughts on other graduate student matters.